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dan owolabi against a brick wall with arms crossed


Buy 'Authentic Leadership'


Dan has practiced and taught authentic leadership for over a decade. Here he shares the timeless principles of Authenticity through inspiring storytelling, sound research and practical examples. As an author, Dan is just getting started, stay tuned!


Become authentic. Dan has worked with leaders in over fifteen countries and four continents, helping them clarify their identity and leverage their influence to serve others.


Dan specializes in talks on Authenticity, Building Trust, Leadership, Conflict, Cultural Intelligence, Self Discipline, and Vision. His knack for storytelling and audience engagement is why he's an in-demand speaker around the country.

Authentic Leadership.

Dan Owolabi has practiced and taught authentic leadership for over a decade. Here, he shares the timeless principles of authenticity through inspiring storytelling, sound research, and practical examples.

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Authentic Leadership by Dan Owolabi


Dan's insights and inspirations for empowered leadership through his blog.

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dan owolabi holding an open book


Dan's book makes many great points on how to be an authentic leader but also leaves room for the reality that we won't always get it right. The book leaves me feeling like I had a good talk with a friend instead of an intense leadership training.

-Katie Troyer, Goodreads review

Thank you for sharing 'Authentic Leadership'! I've dog-eared several pages. Your thinking really resonates with me. Well done!

-Doug McMillon, CEO Walmart

He is able to connect with every person in the room, making them feel valued and understood. Additionally, as a coach, he truly listens and helps you find solutions and avenues to lead with authenticity. Because of his counsel, I've been able to experience growth in my business and my leadership skills.

-Jean Roberts, Founder and CEO of J. Roberts Consulting

Dan Owolabi provides actual strategies with engaging examples on how to be a servant leader. I had the privilege to hear Dan speak at our teacher professional development, where he captivated and inspired the audience with his stories and humor. This book does the same while exhibiting Dan's authentic character. Brilliant book by a brilliant leader.

-Kristy Mishler, Amazon review

Dan has the unique ability to connect with a wide variety of people with storytelling and timeless principles. Dan will take you and your team to the next level!

-Jon Gordon, Best-selling author of 'The Power of Positive Leadership', 'The Energy Bus', and 'The Carpenter'